Frequently asked questions
General Questions
I want to have my waste collected every week/fortnight, is that possible.
When you complete an our online quote function, you’ll be given a choice of service frequencies including, daily (subject to depot coverage), fortnightly or weekly. Once you’ve accepted our quotation, you’ll be able to request the actual day/s of the week that you prefer. In most cases, you’ll also be able to specify am or pm.
How do I obtain a quote?
Click here to get a free quote, and follow the quick and easy steps.
What types of waste can I get collected?
General Waste, Dry Mixed Recycling, Cardboard, Food Waste, Glass and Clinical waste
What bins or containers can you provide?
A variety of wheelie bin and front end loader containers are available in all sizes to suit your needs. We also offer a skip hire service.Click here to get a free quote.
Once I have my quote and have agreed to proceed, what is the next step?
Once your service/s are set up and processed, you will contacted by your Collect My Waste Account Manager in order to discuss any further specific requirements. A welcome email will be sent confirming all relevant details such as delivery date, collection schedule and contact details.
When will I need to make my first payment?
Your first payment will be taken by credit/debit card or Direct Debit shortly before the service starts.
How can I request an extra collection or arrange or excess waste to be cleared?
You can request an emergency collection or arrange for excess waste to be cleared via your personal online account or by contacting our customer service department on 01992 765260.
Am I able to view my account information and collection history?
Yes. All information will be readily available to you via our quick and easy to use online portal where you can view all your important waste and recycling statistics.
How do I report a missed collection or make a complaint?
Any missed collections can be reported to us via the Collect My Waste App, the online portal if you’re using desktop or by contacting our customer service department on 01992 765260. You can contact us at any time to discuss any issues. As soon as you’ve downloaded the App, you will receive notifications on the morning of each waste collection day indicating which collection/s are due. Similarly, in the afternoon, notifications confirming that collection/s were done and on the rare occasions that a collection is missed, will be sent to your smart phone.
Bin Questions
What types of waste can I get collected?
General Waste, Dry Mixed Recycling, Cardboard, Food Waste & Glass
What bins or containers can you provide?
A variety of wheelie bin sizes are on offer along with skips ranging from 16 yarders Click here to get a free quote.
When can I expect my bins to be delivered?
We will endeavour to deliver your bins to site within 7-10 working days.
How can I request an extra collection or arrange or excess waste to be cleared?
You can request an emergency collection or arrange for excess waste to be cleared via your personal online account or by contacting our customer service department on 01992 765260.
How do I report a missed collection or make a complaint?
Any missed collections can be reported to us via your personal online account or you can contact us to discuss any issues by calling our customer service department on 01992 765260.
Skip Questions
Do I need a skip permit?
If the skip is going to be sited on public road or pavement, you will need to contact your local council to obtain a skip permit. If your skip is going to be sited on private land or property, you will not need to obtain a skip permit.
What bins or containers can you provide?
A variety of wheelie bin and front end loader containers are available in all sizes to suit your needs. We also offer a skip hire service. Click here for a free quote
How high can I fill my skip?
Your skip must be filled level to the top of the container as overfilling a skip past the level load can make it dangerous to transport and we may refuse to take your skip away.
What cannot go in my skip?
You cannot put hazardous or harmful items into a skip. These include but are not limited to TVs, computer monitors, asbestos, tyres, fluorescent tubes, fridges, paint and paint tins (unless empty), plasterboard, batteries, medical waste, gas cylinders, liquids, solvents, oil, petrol, diesel and explosives.
How do I report a missed collection or make a complaint?
Any missed collections can be reported to us via your personal online account or you can contact us to discuss any issues by calling our customer service department on 01992 765260.